Kategoria-arkisto ‘in english’

* Muumipeikon seikkailut Osa 3

Kirjoitettu 17.06.2014 - kalamushenki. Kategoriassa arkistojen aarteita, in english.

Arkistojen Aarteita:
Muumipeikon seikkailut Osa 3 (ja 4)

Gems from the Archives:
The Adventures of Moomintroll Part 3 (and 4)

Part 3. | Ooh!



What do you cry for. | Snorkmaiden


What | Pah!





4 Part. | Hoo!


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* Muumipeikon seikkailut Osa 2

Kirjoitettu 17.06.2014 - kalamushenki. Kategoriassa arkistojen aarteita, in english.

Arkistojen Aarteita:
Muumipeikon seikkailut Osa 2

Gems from the Archives:
The Adventures of Moomintroll Part 2

2 part. | Ah no! | Oy! | Bohoo! | Toot! | What!

Kiss! | Poof!

You groke! You broke Snorkmaiden’s heart!


Snorkmaiden! | – – –

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* Muumipeikon seikkailut Osa 1

Kirjoitettu 17.06.2014 - kalamushenki. Kategoriassa arkistojen aarteita, in english.

Arkistojen Aarteita:
Muumipeikon seikkailut Osa 1

Gems from the Archives:
The Adventures of Moomintroll Part 1

The Adventures of Moomintroll
Part 1
Grrr! | Help!


What? | Yippee! | Achoo!

You too? | Yeah | Help | Oops
Pancakes! | Yum! | I am so pretty | Yummy! | Oops


Eat! Eat! | Heeelp! | Smash!


Swoosh! | Puff!


What on Earth! | Continues!

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* Kesäterveiset | Summer Greetings

Kirjoitettu 13.06.2013 - kalamushenki. Kategoriassa in english, muut.

Summer greetings from Ilukka!

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* Paska viinamaku | Shitty taste in booze

Kirjoitettu 31.03.2013 - kalamushenki. Kategoriassa in english, muut.

Jeez Ilai, you really have shitty taste in booze. | But it was on special offer. WICKED (A cider brand). Besides, beer is already dripping from my ears and every other orifice.
But you already bought that Mexico Long Drink! | Yeah!! Carrot juice concentrate and apple wine… ¡Viva México! to you too. Fucking OLVI. (a finnish beverage company.)
All right, both of them were long shots. I just wonder how I will manage in summer if my booze radar is this off to begin with. Guess I’ll have to start practicing.

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* Hobitti | The Hobbit

Kirjoitettu 1.01.2013 - kalamushenki. Kategoriassa in english, muut.

After days of sailing in the sea of boxes, one can easily forget a such thing as … | NEW YEAR! 2013
Igu, it’s New Year’s Eve! What do we do? | Saara asked us to go see movie with her. | Which movie? | The Hobbit.
Earlier: That Hobbit movie will be pure garbage. The whole trilogy is made just to milk cash and Jackson will ruin everything again. I’m so not gonna see that in a theater and I doubt I’ll watch it at all. I mean, a trilogy?! Wtf?!
Okay, let’s go… | So it’s a pasta dinner and then a movie → | Don’t put your fingers in there. | Hi! I reserved the last good seats for us.
A-aaa… | Choo! | Oh crap!
Nosebleed turned my nose instantly into a geysir of blood. |  Igu, you don’t happen to have a handkerchief or something? | Nope, I’m sorry.
Well, I guess I’ll just have to wait this out. | Rub. Rub. | Stop already. I’ll miss the whole movie.| Sheesh. Finally. | Shoulder covered with blood.
Nooo!! More dwarfs! | Okay, enter the dwarves and…
Kíli, at your service!
What the fuck? |
Zachary Quinto?!

Että semmonen leffaelämys. Ja joo, oon hyvin tietonen että se ei ollukaan ZQ, vaan Aidan Turner… mutta pirun kuuma ukko eniweis!
So that’s that for that movie experience. And yes, I’m fully aware now that it wasn’t actually ZQ, but Aidan Turner… but he’s effing delicious anyway!

Ahhhh, Kíli….

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* Vaalimainos | Election Propaganda

Kirjoitettu 22.10.2012 - kalamushenki. Kategoriassa in english, muut.

So my boyfriend is up for the local election here in Tampere. And I felt totally bad for not having time to make him a poster. So I made this.


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* Parranajo | Shaving

Kirjoitettu 8.10.2012 - kalamushenki. Kategoriassa in english, muut.

Cough, cough, cough
| Huh? Zip | Click | Shake | Snap!

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* Niinpä vissiin | Yeah, right

Kirjoitettu 15.08.2012 - kalamushenki. Kategoriassa in english, muut.

Fare thee well, gracious little wiggets. I will begin my college degree studies in visual arts today, and as of this day I will become a real artist. Earnest and frowning… no time for nonsense like this blog!


Yeah, right.

So. updates in order. But I actually got accepted in a school, so I have to start drawing more or less seriously, as well.

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* Jälleen yksi kauppareissu | Yet another trip to the market

Kirjoitettu 13.06.2012 - kalamushenki. Kategoriassa in english, muut.

Hih. Maybe I’ll run into that cutie again. (The hot cashier in the distance.)

Agh! There he goes again!But… | Where are the dreads?

Bohoooooooo!!! I’m walking past him, but it doesn’t feel like  anything.. What’s wrong with me… He doesn’t even look that good anymore!? | That’s the day my heart broke.

This entry is the final and tragic climax of the story about me and the hot cashier at our next door super market. If you’d like to relapse, follow these links:

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