Tagiarkisto ‘vituhipit’

* Dyykkiauvoa | Joy of the Dumpster Diving

Kirjoitettu 15.05.2012 - kalamushenki. Kategoriassa in english, muut.

Great to have this one place for dumpster diving once again. Helps a lot, especially now when I’m broke. | Yup. | (scrabbling the lock)
Now just unscrew this and – we’re good! | You’re admirably silent with your deeds – no clatter or noise. | Mmm. I just want this place to be open tomorrow as well. (organic waste | gas)
Empty, empty, empty… | Bingo!

The joy of the dumpster diving

The loot was even greater than I could remember…
an eggplant | box of tomatoes | bag of european “wet rye bread” | bananas | shitload of norwegian salmon

I think part of the thrill about dumpster diving is the feeling of returning to the ancient forager time, when humans gathered food from nature for themselves. | Nah. The best thing about dumpster diving is the feeling of being able to cheat the system.

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* Sad fellas

Kirjoitettu 5.03.2012 - kalamushenki. Kategoriassa muut.

* Elävänä kirjana

Kirjoitettu 8.02.2012 - kalamushenki. Kategoriassa muut.

* Fyite

Kirjoitettu 16.01.2012 - kalamushenki. Kategoriassa arkistojen aarteita, in english.

Give some change. | Ew, dirty hippie. | Get a job. You probably haven’t even served in army. Shame on you!

(Löysin tämän sarjiksen suodatinpussietiketin takapuolelta. Arviolta vuodelta 2009.)
(This is something I found drawn on the blank side of a cover for coffee filters. I would estimate it’s from 2009.)

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