Tagiarkisto ‘humala’

* Graduation partyt

Kirjoitettu 29.01.2012 - kalamushenki. Kategoriassa muut.

My thoughts while singing karaoke on my graduation party.
(sorry, no translation available)

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* Torstaina Töttöröö | Triumphant Thursday

Kirjoitettu 21.01.2012 - kalamushenki. Kategoriassa in english, muut.

After a school trip: | I’m feeling awfully thirsty… would you my beloved classmates be willing to join me for a pint? | I need to pick up a car from Toijala. | I’m hungry. Need to get home. | I’ll urge them alright … Hasn’t been too difficult before, nyah nyah.

Let’s go then. | Instant verbal diarrhea | My notebook had to be sacrificed for the sake of “art”, as usual.

I need to go to sauna. | You’ll have to come back! | Yeah!

After many more pints:
| What’s up high-schooler? | Got back my exams… | Yōnasu Kantora. | What the hell?



Would you join us to Doris, Ozi? | Well, I might as well. Have to close the bar first. (<- Bartender)
DORIS: | ’til the last drop! | We’ll be leaving now. Bye! | Already? Bye! Good Night!

Ah, Björk’s playing. | (swagger swagger) Couples dancing on the dance floor of Doris.

After party after the after party:

Next day travelling back home on bus at 2pm: | That was some drinking journey…

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