Tagiarkisto ‘kalamushenkilö’

* Meet me @ Helsingin sarjakuvafestivaalit 2012

Kirjoitettu 3.09.2012 - kalamushenki. Kategoriassa pienlehti.

Again, sorry for the late but ever so shameless self-promotion. I’ll be selling my comics at Helsingin sarjakuvafestivaalit Comic Festival, in our (meaning Finland) great capital, Helsinki.

I’m sharing a table with another finnish comic artist, Daga Ulv. You can find me at Pienlehtitaivas, Lasipalatsin aukio on Saturday 8th of September. Pienlehtitaivas is open from 11 am to 8 pm on Saturday, unfortunately it’s the only day we’re attending.
Please do come and say hi if you’re around. I’ll be happy if you do.

↓↓ Also, I’m raging to get this done in time!! ↓↓

See this cover. Check it out. The 2nd issue of Kalamushenkilö! (English translation included!)


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* Meet me @ Tampere Kuplii 2012

Kirjoitettu 4.05.2012 - kalamushenki. Kategoriassa pienlehti.

I know that this is like the uppermost latest hour to announce this (But I very much suck at self promotion), but I’ll be selling my comics at Tampere Kuplii Comic Festival, here in Tampere, Finland tomorrow and day after. You can find me at Pienlehtimarssi, Väinö Linnan aukio 8, Työväenmuseo Werstas, Galleria Bertel.
Pienlehtimarssi is open from 10 am to 5 pm on Saturday (5th of May) and from 11 am to 5 pm on Sunday (6th of May).
Please do come and say hi. I’ll be lonely if you don’t.

↓↓ Also, I do have something brand new to offer to you guys. ↓↓
See this cover. That’s what you can get, if you come. (English translation included!)


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